Sad Dog Diary

Sad Dog Diary

This is totally NSFW, but totally HILARIOUS.  Please watch and enjoy the sad thoughts of sad dogs!

Christmas Lights to the Extreme

Christmas Lights to the Extreme

I may hate winter, but I love Christmas lights.  One of my fondest memories has always been going for a drive late at night with my parents just to see the lights.   My favorite part of National Lampoons Christmas Vacation is Clark’s foibles with the lights on his house:

I’m always amazed at the levels of creativity that are utilized in creating some of these fantastic displays, and found some really great ones I would love to share with you!

Things I'm Thankful For: Food

Things I'm Thankful For: Food

So this was meant to be part of a November Series of "Things I'm Thankful For."
Unfortunately, I got too caught up in being thankful for life that I didn't do much posting here, on this blog.  So here, I bring to you, some entertaining GIFs that will help you appreciate food as much as I do!

Because everyone has had that moment where you just had to eat that beloved sandwich.


(The look on his face is perfect!)

Because one drumstick is never enough.

Because animals eating are so cute- and this one takes the cake!!!  (or Broccoli!)

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